It’s time for yet another interview with one of our members in our team. We recently launched a new series on Tulpa.nu that spotlights the inner circle of our company.
Other interviews so far:
Richard Jarnhed – Founder Simon Kölle – Founder Lars Gustafson – Editor Anders Blixt – World Creator Henrik Ahlström – Storyteller
Guillaume Le Huche is one of Tulpa Creative’s so called “World Builder” together with Anders Blixt. He’s a storyteller, an artist and a scholar. Right now, Guillaume is a PhD Candidate in Religious studies and writes a thesis about medieval heretics. He has a background in music, studies in history, religion and being an avid and renowned gamer. He has also worked with translating obscure novels.
The interview was made with Guillaume in May 2019.

What made you pursue working creatively within the film, tv and/or gaming world?
As I grew up playing roleplaying games I developed an early interest in storytelling and the creation of fictional worlds. Later on I increasingly came to realize the importance it had for me. The fantastical worlds that became accessible through rpg’s didn’t only provide the means for experiencing thrilling and heroic adventures, but also gave access to a space for social interaction, showing hidden aspects of oneself and getting a sense of belonging. In retrospect it also became clear that there was a connection between my early passion for rpgs, which can only be described as an obsession, and on the one hand an interest in history, religion and literature that with time led to an academic career, and on the other hand a passion for writing. I realized that I wanted to give other people access to the same kind of stories and worlds that I grew up with. Also I’ve always loved cinema, but had never thought that it would be something I would work with one day.
In 2-3 sentences who are you?
I am a dreamer, a stranger in this world, a person who I guess might seem ordered on the surface but is not very comfortable in this society, feeding on weird, fantastical stories and thought-provoking ideas and trying to channel my nightmares through creative activities.

What motivates you and why do you work creatively?
I am a person who needs to be creative in order to feel a sense of purpose and not be dragged down by negative thoughts, so one part of it is about personal wellbeing and bare necessity. But it’s also about an urge to create stories that touches people. C S Lewis said that ”We read to know we are not alone”, and if that which I write can create some kind of connection across space and time, then it has not been in vain.

Tell us one memory from your previous work that still to this day inspire you.
When I entered a recording studio for the first time, with Katatonia, back in -93. When I meet people who explain to me what that music have meant for them, I feel the gratitude of having been giving the possibility to be part of something that has affected och continued to affect so many people out there.
What’s Tulpa Creatives for you?
A group of driving spirits determined to create magic together.
What’s your dream?
To participate in the creation of artworks that affects other people in a significant way. To continue to grow as a person and see more of the world.
How do you see yourself?
As a person trying to make deals with his inner demons by giving them the lead roles in his stories.
What’s your biggest strength’s/assets?
I am meticulous and a perfectionist in my work, and although my energy might ebb and flow I will not leave a project until I’m satisfied with the results. I’m also a person who needs to feel emotionally engaged and invested in a project, but when I am I know that I have a lot to give.

Name three movies and/or TV-series that inspired you a lot in your life.
Jacob´s Ladder, Mulholland Drive, Amadeus.

Do you have any advice for young film makers/writers out there?
I’m not very fond of giving advice, since they tend to sound like tacky clichées, but if I’m trying to think of an advice that I wished someone had given to me it would be: make sure to do what you love and don’t compare yourself to others: find a personal expression and it will become meaningful to you and to other people as well.

Which film makers/writers has influenced you the most?
David Lynch, Werner Herzog, Ingmar Bergman, Andrej Tarkovskij, and many others. Some of most important and inspiring writers for me have been C S Lewis, Tove Jansson, Mika Waltari, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Yukio Mishima, Astrid Lindgren, Pär Lagerkvist, H P Lovecraft, Maurice Druon (whose historical novels I discovered thanks to swedish historian Michael Nordberg and not George RR Martin), and Umberto Eco.
If you got the opportunity to remake a movie or TV-series, which one would you go for?
The Egyptian (1954), based on the novel by Mika Waltari.
Working with a project, is it harder to get started or to keep going?
To start and to finish a project has always been the most difficult part. I often feel that my ideas require a certain time to mature, and in the final stage my perfectionism can make it difficult for me to let go of a project.
What was the most important lesson you had to learn that has had a positive effect on your work?
Self-doubt has always been my worst enemy. Luckily I have also been blessed with friends that have encouraged me through the years, and I guess the lesson was that I should have listened more to them than to my inner critic.

Mention one thing you think would make the film/tv/gaming industry better, what would it be?
The gaming industry would probably benefit from listening more to the community and it’s response to the products. As for designers of role-playing games more specifically I wish that more designers would show a larger interest in other systems, the development of the hobby and the discussions it generates.
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